@ECHO OFF set installfolder=%cd% ECHO The Monkey will now plant a Jungle in your computer. ECHO Good Luck! ECHO It's CTRL+C to quit this btw. ECHO If you wanna quit, now is the right time, because stopping copying files can be annyoing to clean. ECHO IMPORTANT: DELETE THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MODS FOLDER BEFORE DOING THIS AS I DONT WANT TO FIND OUT PAUSE cd %appdata%\.minecraft MD mods CD mods SET /P installfabric=Install Fabric (Y/[N])? IF /I "%installfabric%" NEQ "Y" GOTO SKIPINSTALLFABRIC SET fabriclocation=%installfolder%\fabric-installer-1.0.1.exe START %fabriclocation% ECHO Give this a second to load before moving onto the next step! PAUSE :SKIPINSTALLFABRIC SET /P installcore=Install Core (Y/[N])? IF /I "%installcore%" NEQ "Y" GOTO SKIPINSTALLCORE COPY %installfolder%\core\* :SKIPINSTALLCORE SET /P installextra=Install Extras (Y/[N])? IF /I "%installextra%" NEQ "Y" GOTO SKIPINSTALLEXTRA COPY %installfolder%\extra\* :SKIPINSTALLEXTRA SET /P installshaders=Install Shaders (Y/[N])? IF /I "%installshaders%" NEQ "Y" GOTO SKIPINSTALLSHADERS COPY %installfolder%\shaders\* CD .. MD shaderpacks CD shaderpacks XCOPY %installfolder%\shaderpacks %cd% /s /e :SKIPINSTALLSHADERS ECHO Everything has installed successfully! ECHO Have fun! PAUSE